Tutoring Enrichment. Big kids make the best teachers!
Sharing was amazing today
Teachers being students...Science Day!
Soulsbyville School:
Please remember that Monday, October 8th is a Non-Student Teacher In-service day. Students will not attend school. Thank you.
Jog-a-thon is tomorrow! Our class was getting posters ready to show our school spirit! 1st grade will run from 8:20-8:50.
7th and 8th grade student art projects. We are learning how to draw words in 3D.
Thank you Captain Encouragement for ensuring our students make it to school safely!
We wrapped up our Ocean Learning this week in 1st. We had fun creating ocean art and writing explanatory pieces on our favorite ocean animal!
Get ready for the Jog-a-Thon next Friday! If you need some inspiration on what, "I mean it green," looks like, here's Mrs.Kathy as an excellent example!
We are having fun using a balance to practice our math facts and make things equal.
Is your child struggling with their multiplication facts? Copy and paste the link to YouTube's School House Rock- Multiplication video!
Happy Friday Falcon Friends!
Historic Downtown Sonora Field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, October 2nd- $2.00 field trip fee and permission must be turned in by Wednesday, September 26th. Thank you!
Enjoying McDonalds to help benefit the 5th grade ship trip.
Middle School Falcons caring for their campus!
MCDONALDS FUNDRAISER – Our 5th grade classes will be hosting a fundraiser on Tuesday, September 18th from 5:00-7:00pm at the McDonald’s by Sanguinetti Rd. The 5th graders will earn a percentage of the evening’s proceeds to help with costs associated with their Ship Trip fieldtrip.
Farm Day- 3rd graders will have their first field trip October 4th. More information to follow.
Our students planted seedlings last spring. Today they enjoyed eating a watermelon they grew. Now to save the seeds for this years planting!
Thank you to all who participated in PTO Skate Night. It was a great night of fun. Thank you to Sue Bondurant for donating the pizza and Black Oak Casino for donating all of the drinks. Go Falcons!
Soulsbyville School: Reminder that PTO Family Skate night is Friday, Sept 7th, from 5:00-7:00PM at High Country Sports Arena. Entrance is $5.00 and food will be available for purchase. Students must be accompanied by an adult and cash or check only will be accepted.